Jack Moody Group
Hollybush Farm, Warstone Road,
Wolverhampton WV10 7LX
T: 01922 417648
Innovation & Added Value
The use of multiple compositions of soils that were mixed by us. Timber Edging Footpath, laying of Type 1, laying of Breedon Stone Top Surfaces. Installation of seating & litter
bins. The client was completely satisfied with the outcome.
Breedon Stone base material and 10 mm. Timber Edging panels.
Sub-contractor elements of work
We worked closely with our preferred sub-contractors who completed the racking and wild flower areas on site.
As a company we pride ourselves on achieving a high standard of work with this site being no exception. The project was a disused golf course. We achieved all works to the
specification. The site is now a much improved open space facility for the local residents and the general public that enhances the local area especially for the dog walking and
cycling community. Works were finished on time and on budget.
Client Endorsements
Thank you to the approachable, professional team at Jack Moody Group for implementing an extensive scheme of access improvements and biodiversity enhancements whilst
maintaining safe public access in this well-used park. Tree, woodland and hedge planting; wildflower meadow creation; hibernacula; bee banks; bird and bat boxes installed by your
team will help to increase tree cover in the city and support the Council’s environment and sustainability objectives. Interpretation panels; finger posts; seating and surfaced
paths you have installed will offer year-round access to everyone and an increased awareness of what has been created to people visiting the park.
Key Features:
• Site clearance and demolition;
• Minor groundworks;
• New surfaced path;
• Street furniture – seats, fingerposts, interpretation boards;
• Fencing – strained wire fencing with/without hexagonal netting to protect new planting;
• Grass and wildflower seeding; Planting of trees, woodland, hedgerows and bulbs;
• 12 months maintenance of the soft landscape works following Practical Completion.
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