Jack Moody Group
Hollybush Farm, Warstone Road,
Wolverhampton WV10 7LX
T: 01922 417648
The development of a disused railway cutting into amenity open space and urban park to include a combined cycle & pedestrian path, wildflower areas, woodland areas, specimen tree planting and the development of a wetland area.
Public open space works, hard & soft landscaping, earthworks, footpath construction, clearance, fencing, attenuation pond, seeding, planting and woodland management.
Innovation & Added Value
The use of multiple compositions of soils that were mixed by our team.
Macadam base material and 50/20mm furniture equipment. Fencing works are generally to be carried out by hand using skilled operatives for hand/machine excavation of post
holes, fixing posts and concreting in position, fixing rails/panels.
Sub-Contractor elements of work
We worked closely with our preferred sub-contractors that installed the pathways macadam finish.
As a company we pride ourselves on achieving a high standard of work with this site being no exception. The project was a disused railway cutting. We achieved a total
transformation of the whole site into an amenity open space and urban park with a much improved view for the local residents and into a public facility that enhances the local
area to which we are part of the community. Works were finished on time and on budget.
Key Features:
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